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Data Communication and Networks Unit-5

Types of Computers

Communication channels

Communication channels refer to the pathways or mediums through which data is transmitted between one device or network to another. They play a important role in enabling computers to share information, access resources, and interact with each other
Twisted pair cable is the most common and affordable option for short-distance connections like telephone lines and home networks.

Coaxial cable is still used for cable TV and some older data networks, but it is being replaced by fiber optic in many cases.

Fiber optic cable offers the highest speeds and longest distances, making it the ideal choice for high-bandwidth applications and long-distance communication. However, it is also the most expensive option.

Comparison of Common Communication Channels

Feature Twisted Pair Cable Coaxial Cable Fiber Optic Cable
Construction Two insulated copper wires twisted together Single copper conductor surrounded by insulation, shielding, and outer jacket Thin glass or plastic fiber carrying light signals
Bandwidth Up to 10 Gbps (for higher-grade cables) Up to 10 Gbps (for high-bandwidth versions) Up to 100 Gbps or more
Distance Up to 100 meters (without signal amplification) Up to 500 meters (longer for broadband cable) Up to 100 kilometers or more
Cost Least expensive option More expensive than twisted pair Most expensive option
Common Uses Ethernet networks, telephone lines Cable TV, broadband internet, satellite TV Long-distance data transmission, high-speed networks

Types of Network

Networks are the lifeblood of modern computing, connecting devices and enabling communication and data sharing. Different types of networks exist, each designed to serve specific needs and cover different geographical areas.

1. Personal Area Network (PAN):

Area: Covers a very small personal space, typically within a few meters of an individual.
Devices: Connects personal devices like smartphones, laptops, wearables, and printers.
Technology: Uses Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or near-field communication (NFC) for short-range connections.
Speed: Typically lower speeds than other networks, sufficient for personal device communication.
Security: Important to consider security of connected devices and data since it operates within personal space.
Examples: Connecting headphones to a phone, wirelessly printing from a laptop, sharing files between nearby devices.

2. Local Area Network (LAN):

Area: Covers a small physical space, like a building, office, or home.
Devices: Connects personal computers, printers, servers, and other devices within the local area.
Technology: Typically uses wired (Ethernet) or wireless (Wi-Fi) connections.
Speed: Offers high transmission speeds (up to 10Gbps or more) ideal for fast data transfer and collaboration.
Security: Relatively easier to secure due to its limited scope.
Examples: Office networks, school networks, home networks.

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):

Area: Covers a larger area than a LAN but smaller than a WAN, typically a city or metropolitan region.
Devices: Connects businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and other entities within the area.
Technology: Uses fiber optic cables, high-speed wireless technologies, or leased lines.
Speed: Offers high bandwidth and relatively fast communication within the covered area.
Security: Similar to WANs, security requires careful planning and implementation.
Examples: Citywide public safety networks, healthcare networks, regional educational networks.

4. Wide Area Network (WAN):

Area: cover a large geographical area, like a city, state.
Devices: Connects geographically dispersed LANs, computers, servers, and other networks.
Technology: Uses leased lines, satellites, or the internet for connections.
Speed: Varies depending on technology used, but generally slower than LANs due to longer distances.
Security: More complex to secure due to multiple connections and broader coverage.
Examples: Corporate networks connecting branch offices, government networks, internet backbones.

Understanding Network Types: LAN, WAN, and MAN

Comparison Table
Feature LAN (Local Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
Coverage Area Small, confined area (e.g., home, office, building) Large geographical area (e.g., cities, countries, continents) Mid-sized area (e.g., city, university campus)
Ownership Usually privately owned Often owned by service providers or public organizations Can be owned by a single organization or shared
Speed Typically high-speed (100 Mbps to 10 Gbps) Varies, can be slower than LANs High-speed, often fiber-optic based
Technologies Used Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Telephone lines, fiber-optic cables, satellite links Fiber-optic cables, high-speed wireless technologies
Examples Home network, office network The Internet, corporate networks across multiple locations City-wide network, campus network

LAN topologies:

LAN topologies refer to the physical and logical layout of devices within a Local Area Network (LAN). It essentially describes how computers and other network devices are connected to each other. Different topologies have their own advantages and disadvantages, making them suitable for different situations.
1. Ring Topology:

Structure: Devices are connected in a closed loop, forming a continuous circle.
Data transmission: Data travels in one direction around the ring, passing through each device until it reaches its destination.
Advantages: Efficient use of cable, no central device required.
Disadvantages: Vulnerable to single point of failure, adding or removing devices can disrupt the network.

2. Bus Topology:
Structure: All devices are connected to a single, shared cable (the "bus").
Data transmission: Data travels along the bus in both directions, accessible to all devices.
Advantages: Simple and inexpensive to set up.
Disadvantages: Bandwidth is shared, conflict can occur, a single cable fault can affect the entire network.

3. Star Topology:

Structure: All devices are connected to a central hub or switch.
Data transmission: Data travels from device to device through the central hub.
Advantages: Easy to add or remove devices, easy to troubleshoot, if one device fails, others are unaffected.
Disadvantages: Reliant on the central hub, which can become a bottleneck.

4. Mesh Topology:

Structure: Each device is connected to multiple other devices, creating unnecessary pathways for data.
Data transmission: Data can take multiple paths to reach its destination, providing fault tolerance.
Advantages: Highly reliable and resistant to failures, good for large networks with critical data.
Disadvantages: Complex to set up and manage, requires more cabling.

5. Tree Topology:

Structure: Combines elements of star and bus topologies, with multiple star networks connected to a central bus.
Data transmission: Data flows hierarchically from the root device to child devices.
Advantages: Scalable for large networks, easy to manage and expand.
Disadvantages: Potential for bottlenecks at the central bus, failure of the root device can disrupt the entire network.

Wireless media: Electromagnetic waves like radio waves, microwaves, and infrared signals transmit data through the air, offering flexibility and mobility.
Network Interface Card (NIC):
This acts as the gateway between your device (computer, phone, etc.) and the network. It translates data into signals understandable by the network medium and vice versa, enabling communication.

Network Operating System (NOS): Just like your PC's operating system manages its resources, an NOS controls and manages network devices and traffic. It ensures efficient data flow, security, and access control within a network.
Bridge: Think of a bridge as a connection point between two similar networks, allowing devices on each network to communicate directly.

Hub: A hub acts as a central connection point for multiple devices within a single network. It simply broadcasts all incoming data to all connected devices.

Router: Unlike a hub, a router is an intelligent device that directs data packets to specific destinations based on their IP addresses. It acts like a traffic controller, analyzing each packet and sending it along the most efficient path within the network or even to other networks. This makes routers essential for connecting different networks and ensuring smooth data flow.

Repeater: A repeater simply amplifies and retransmits data signals over a network medium, extending their reach and overcoming signal degradation. They are often used in wireless networks to boost signal strength and coverage.

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